Shingles Acupuncture Clinic

Traditional  Chinese  Medicine

The allergy started 15 years ago in teenage. At every pollen season, the client always remained at home to avoid the allergy outburst. Otherwise she would have symptoms like runny, stuffy nose,watery, red/ swollen eyes.



  1. Cupping and moxibustion on the governing channel and the belly button;
  2. Cupping and moxibustion at Spleen 10, CV 12 and ST25 acupoints;
  3. Blood letting at the ear apex



After 6 treatments, the allergy has been largely relieved. The client is happy to go outside more without using anti-histamine spray (Claritin) etc.. It is advisable to continue treatment, because the client has a weak digestion system. A strong digestion system ensures a strong immune system, which will further prevent the recurring of allergic reactions.