Shingles Acupuncture Clinic

Traditional  Chinese  Medicine

The client is 80 years. She had blisters all around the waist 2 months ago. After being treated with antivirus and neuropathic pain killer (gabapentin, pregabalin ointments), the blister has cleared up. Unfortunately, the pain remains there and even gets so worse at night that she could not sleep.


After 1st treatment, the pain has been largely relieved, she can sleep well without any medication. Continued treatment with acupuncture and moxa is advised, in order to help the body to dispel all toxic (virus etc.) outside of her body.




Treatment method:


1)Cuppings on the affected areas which can relieve the pain and dispel the toxic outside of body;

2)Blood letting on the shingles helps to dispel the toxic.

3)Moxa on the head and tail of the shingles, to warm up the channels and resolve the blockage;



1.Treatment was simple and efficient. The pain is related to the toxic inside the body, thus dispelling the toxic through cuppings is a good choice.

2.The immune system of the client has been enhanced through the treatment. Moxibustion is one of the best methods to strengthen our immunity.

3.A successful treatment with NO post-herpetic pain.