Shingles Acupuncture Clinic

Traditional  Chinese  Medicine

A stye is a painful red bump on your eyelid edge. A stye forms when a tiny oil gland near the eyelashes becomes blocked and gets infected according to western medicine. However in our practice a stye usually forms due to high work pressure and trapped heat caused by blockage of energy/blood/digestion system.  
How do we treat a stye ?
Our treatment principle is to improve blood and qi circulation, reduce trapped heat and then resolve the bumps.
Treatment method Acupuncture, Bloodletting
We do acupuncture on the acupoints which is closely related to the affected channels. We also do bloodletting on the channel which has been affected by the stye, as the case requires. For sure  our blood letting is safe. We do not do blood letting on eyes, but on hands or ears. 
After one treatment, the stye has been reduced largely. 3 treatments later, the eye skin affected by stye has fully recovered together with changes of life style.